One man with courage is a majority.

Wonder is the beginning of wisdom

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

caini vagabonzi si vaci fara coarne

Ce legatura exista intre aceste doua tipuri de animale ?

Sa luam intai cainii comunitari care in Romania se plimba mai mult sau mai putin nestringeriti.
Cum de s-a ajuns la o asemenea situatie ?
Explicatia pe care o gasesc este ca pur si simplu oamenii ii tolereaza si mai mult chiar ii indragesc - le dau mancare, se joaca cu ei cand vin de la serviciu si chiar le improvizeaza adaposturi.
Majoritatea - atat patrupede cat si bipede - gasesc armonia convivialitatii.
Se mai intampla totusi si cazuri cand ori unii, ori altii cauzeaza incidente (ori cainele e turbat, ori "omul e rau"). Unii ar zice ca e un esec al civilizatiei  - eu spun ca e selectie naturala.

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Pe de alta parte, in fermele civilizate, vacutele cu privire blanda (ca sa nu spun tampa) si fara coarne isi fac datoria si alimenteaza societatea cu trebuinciosul lapte.
Evident, pentru ca aceasta convivialitate sa fie mai confortabila si eficienta ele trebuie sa fie eliberate de periculoasele arme. Nu cumva vreun toreador care le mulge - pardon in ziua de azi numai bunica mai mulge vaca, in rest procedura se realizeaza cu cele mai profesionale aparate si la cele mai inalte standarde- nu cumva acest manipulator de super tehnologii sa fie luat pe sus in vreo coarna.
Aici armonia o face cel cu fierastraul.

Deci dupa cum vedeti mare legatura nu exista
era doar o paralela la cum reusesc unii oameni, sau altii sa armonizeze.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

restoration versus crafts

Recently I saw an interesting reportage about the ASTRA Muzeum in Sibiu
TVR Cultural-academia-romana-prezentul-continuu
An impressive story about a successful project between Romania - Islanda, Lichtenstein and Norway.

In Sibiu it was created the biggest center of restoration and conservation of traditional objects in South-Eastern Europe.
With modern materials and techniques gifted people bring to life old ceramics or wooden items, textiles or religious icons and also complete houses.

It is a way of revealing our roots and finding our cultural identity.
It is a great step.

And I would go further and I would say
our culture should continue not only through restoring the remains,
we should still produce culture, authentic and characteristic.

And culture is not only about the books read and the operas seen
is also about a style of living,
it is also about our capacity of realizing beautiful objects and beautiful facts.

Before restoring a wooden tool I would show a child how he can build it and use it.
Who knows when he comes up with an improving idea.
And this will means evolution - but a healthy one, based on real knowledge and need.

So if you show to your sister/nephew/grandchild how to knit, or how to carve in wood, how to graft a tree or how to tolerate a bee, or even how to grow a tomato plant - (s)he will be richer with one good experience